Wednesday 22 Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Institute of Professional Hospitality Assisi index for the 2008/2009 school year, the 4th Competition Eno national food-on " BEST FLAT RICE, ITS COMBINATION WITH A WINE AND RELATED SERVICES .
addressed the students of MONOENNIO kitchen and bar, and the students of IV and V "YEAR RESTORATION.
will be held at the Hotel Institute of Assisi, home to Via delle Carceri Hermitage No 19.
E 'directed at the Hotel Institute of Italy. Each institution will participate with one group of two students accompanied by a teacher who will not take part in the test.
the morning of Thursday, April 23, 9.00 and in connection with carrying out the tests will be svolto un convegno c/o la Sala della Conciliazione nel comune di Assisi con il tema “IL RISO A 360°”. Vi prenderanno parte produttori di riso del Vercellese, sponsor dell'evento.
1 - Invio della scheda di adesione allegata entro sabato 21 febbraio 2009.
2 - Ricerca e relazione sul piatto con allegato calcolo calorico e nutrizionale. Questi dovranno essere
presentati entro e non oltre il mercoledì 25 marzo 2009.
3 - La totale esecuzione del piatto di creazione dell'allievo dovrà avvenire in mattinata.
4 - Non sono ammesse decorazioni e guarnizioni non commestibili, mentre sono ammessi piatti
di forma personalizzata;
5 - Dovrà essere presentato un solo piatto completo e altri cinque quali assaggi per la
valutazione del gusto da parte della giuria;
6 - Il tempo a disposizione per la preparazione sarà of 150 minutes. The dishes come out in a
order raffled off before the contest;
7 - Each group will have 20 minutes for service wine, of course, descriptions,
criteria matching food and wine for the reorganization of the table.
The presentation of the dish will be made by the pupil of the kitchen while the criteria for matching
wine will be presented to dall'addetto room service.
WARNING! the main ingredients and the wine must be chosen from the participants,
and glasses, pots and pans and equipment will be supplied by the host for special
equipment please to make the request on the registration form.
Three commissioners of a kitchen and living room, belonging to this institution (not participating in the
competition), will monitor and evaluate the 'actions of competitors in the laboratory.
The score on the behavior in the kitchen, living room, and timing of implementation of
pot will be awarded by the commissioners of kitchen and dining room.
The score on the research, report and calculating calorie nutritional will
given by teachers of cooking, science and power.
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