welcome visit from California
On November 10, our school has had the pleasure of hosting Splendorini Carlo, a former student who has had important experiences abroad and is currently head bartender of "Gypsy," one of the most successful local San Francisco.
Charles wanted to bear witness to their experience and highlight the importance that the school has had in its growth both professionally and personally.
"My passion for the bar was born right here in this school," says Carlo. The audience listens to this curious young man who explains how his dreams have slowly turned into reality. At age 16, finished the fourth year, Charles has spent several months in Germany gained his first significant experience. Back in Italy he completed his studies and soon left for London, where he further refined the technique.
The turning point came, however, thanks to a trip to California, during which manages to establish itself as a bartender capable and full of creativity with him the "Gypsy" is flattering reviews in the media. Her skills also emerge during the races to participate in, gaining access to the world finals to be held in the coming months.
Carlo, basandosi sulla propria esperienza, ha suggerito agli studenti di impegnarsi nelle attività scolastiche e di non smettere mai di essere curiosi e disposti ad apprendere: “pur essendo un buon barman, ritengo di avere ancora tante cose da imparare, da tutti e in qualsiasi occasione, anche oggi che sono di fronte a voi”.
Dopo aver raccontato la sua “avventura”, Carlo ha proposto alcuni drink frutto della sua creatività, ricordando che, se bere può essere un piacere, bisogna comunque farlo con moderazione, in particolare se si è molto giovani.
Prima di salutare, tenendo fede a quanto detto, ha accettato volentieri i suggerimenti dei ragazzi, prendendo nota delle ricette da loro proposte in occasione Memorial Angelini 2009.
Thank you Charles and good luck!
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