Friday, December 31, 2010

What Color Paint On Brazillian Cherry Wood Floor

livello 1 - two little dickey birds

This song is a simple and easy to learn but you have to modify it to make it fit. Children dovaranno sing in pairs (one is Peter Paul and the other does). They must pretend to sit on the wall, fly away and then come back on the wall.

You can hear the tune on YouTube by typing " Two Little Dickey Birds" but you have to change the text to useful words like yellow, go away (go / go away), as here ( come / come here)

two little yellow birds sitting on a wall one
Called Peter, The Other Called Peter Paul
fly away, go away Paul
come back Peter, come here Paul

L’aggettivo yellow in questa canzoncina può essere sostituito da sleepy (assonnati), happy, funny (buffi), silly (sciocchi), sad (tristi), hungry (affamati), oppure angry (arrabbiati), mimando i diversi stati d’animo degli uccellini.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Much Is Weymouth Club Membership

livello 1 - he/she wants

obbiettivo: distinguere fra he e she . Esercitarsi con i verbi to want (volere) e to need (aver bisogno)

Per questo game takes two dolls (male and female), a die, drawing on scraps of what must be a Baby, food, plastic bottles and potty dolls (or bowl).
on the numbered slips of paper you draw or write what they would want to Baby: drink, eat, play, go to the bathroom etc.. Alternating between male and female dolls, children will have to roll the dice, say the number out (in English), and take the package that matches the number on the dice. After that will tell us what baby needs and satisfy their needs. For example:

- She wants water / she's thirsty (she thirsty)
- He wants to play (he wants to play )
- He wants a kiss (he wants a kiss)
- ; She wants to eat / she's hungry (she wants to eat / hungry)
- He needs to go to the toilet (he must go to the bathroom)
- She wants to sleep (she wants to sleep)

is important to revise together all the expressions that will be used before you start playing. When the child opens the package, all others will participate, saying " what does he / she Want?" (What do you want?). This will not simply be spectators and will also help the child to respond if it requires saying I need help!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hitching Rides On Sailboats

livello 1 - lego tower

goal: to learn numbers, colors and shapes, but also understand how and where to use the adjectives
It builds a high tower with Lego. Children will bring in row and in turn they are told to take a number of blocks of a shape and a color and start to build the tower. Quando la torre è altissima si deve distruggere soffiando tutti insieme.... blow, blow, blow finchè non crolla!

Andrea, please put two   yellow rectangles
Silvia, will you put one green and three blue squares?
Alessandra, please put one black rectangle first and then   two gray squares

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kidney Pain From Std?

livello 1 - big family

I bambini si divertono moltissimo a recitare e questo gioco gli permette di poter esprimersi in inglese fin dall'inizio.
- apprendere frasi quotidiani usati nell’ambito familiare : goodnight, go to bed, they’re sleeping, good morning, wake up,brush your hair, what do you want for breakfast?, brush your teeth, hurry up, we’re late for school (buonanotte, andate/vai a letto, stanno dormendo, buongiorno, svegliati/svegliatevi, spazzolate i capelli, cosa vuoi/volete per colazione? lavate i denti, sbrigatevi siete in ritardo per la scuola.
 - esprimere il desiderio di ottenere una cosa attraverso la frase I WANT xxx

Siete una grande famiglia e voi sarete la mamma o il papà. I bambini devono recitare e fare ciò che gli viene detto. All’inizio direte la frase in inglese, poi in italiano e dopo la ripeterete di nuovo in inglese. Quando direte “they're sleeping” loro devono dormire. "they're snoring"... iniziano a russare. Quando è mattina fate il gallo (in inglese... cock a doodle doo !) e si devono risvegliare lentamente. Ognuno deve dire se è sveglio I'm awake oppure assonnato I'm sleepy
I bambini svegli diranno: Goodmorning, Mummy, Goodmorning Daddy !   I’m hungry (ho fame) mentre quelli che preferiscono dormire diranno I'm sleepy (I sleep).

For breakfast you have to do as a service on the plane: what do you prefer coffee, tea or orange juice? (prefer tea, coffee or orange juice?) Children's answer: I want coffee please, I want juice please, please I want tea or nothing thank you (no thanks)
brush their teeth and you brush your hair ( brush your teeth, brush your hair, dress up (dress ) and hurry up we're late! (I late for school).

At first you should help them and repeat the phrase in Italian, but after a couple of times will begin to understand these phrases and repeat them with ease. When they can understand their practical role in the mum or dad.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cinderella Themed Balloons

livello 1 - sit down / stand up

addition to being easy to learn and fun, this game is also useful as a flexible "warming" and is a way to break the ice with the new arrivals. Children need to run "the order" and repeat the phrase. At first you should do it but eventually you will be able to shift to carry out their role as master!

children: all in a row horizontally
teacher: Stand up, sit down, touch your eyes, touch your nose, touch your mouth, ears, chin, cheeks
variants teeth, eyebrows, cheeks , shoulders, neck, ankles (anchels), right leg (RAIT), left leg, knees (nis), eyelashes, wrist, tummy, say "hello", say "goodbye", swim, climb (claim)

Wedding Program Verbage

la pronuncia - errori comuni

Pronunciation is very important to understand and be understood and the importance of speaking correctly and smoothly. Among the most obvious errors and difficult to eradicate is the pronunciation of the letter I. In Italy there is a tendency to say is with I porcupine, but should be much more pronounced softly, almost like the E.

The H where it is needed and often forgets where there should not be incorrectly inserted (eg instead of I'm at the hospital - I'm Ospital the hat). In addition, there are th and r that are pronounced in a completely new way.

You doubts about the decision immediately went to check on the web. You'll find sites like where you can type the word and you can hear the correct pronunciation, all for free.

Benzocaine False Positive

giocando si impara

When studying a language is often the case that we focus more on grammar and learning of individual words belonging to categories (colors, numbers, adjectives, days of the week and so on) and we neglect the sentences in which then would be entered. The result is that when we compare with others in English you are in difficulties.

In Italia, molti bambini incominciano a familiarizzare con l'inglese fin da piccolissimi. Questo fa pensare che ci sia una consapevolezza dell’importanza di apprenderlo ma anche che le modalità d'insegnamento della lingua inglese nelle scuole non siano sempre adeguate. Incominciare con delle buone fondamenta è essenziale per riuscire a progredire. 
È necessario come stimolo ricordare al bambino che l’inglese potrebbe essere importante per un loro futuro lavoro, per poter viaggiare, fare nuove amicizie ma anche per il semplice gusto di conoscere un’altra lingua. Mostrategli un globo e fategli vedere quanto è piccola l’Italia compared to the rest of the world and that unfortunately only here and in some cantons of Switzerland speaks Italian!
Through play children can learn faster with a greater interest and involvement. The lessons are fun and stimulating for them and for you, besides the satisfaction to see them interact in English.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reebok Provecta Elite Gloves

Mara Prize Calli

Thursday, October 21 held an event with its gala dinner sponsored by 'Academy of Chocolate in the beautiful and evocative setting of the castle of Sorci of Anghiari (AR).
The hotel school in Assisi was present with a team composed of students Andrea Angelucci, Andrea Galante, Fieschi Alesandra, Bertini Silvia Estefania Lema and class 5 th rest. B.
The team was coordinated by prof. Danilo Pilli.
's event was marked by the awarding of trophy "Mara Calli" past-president of' Academy, at the helm of the 'Association has always shown great attention to the young chocolatiers and schools di formazione.
Durante la serata gli alunni di Assisi hanno presentato una loro creazione di cioccolato artistico che ha riscosso notevole successo da parte dei partecipanti al convivio compresi diversi giornalisti e TV locali.

La Prof.ssa Cozzari Carla ha portato il saluto del Dirigente Prof.ssa Bianca Maria Tagliaferri ed ha esposto ai presenti la scuola di Assisi ed il suo impegno costante nella formazione delle giovani generazioni di operatori della ristorazione e turistici.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can Drinking Alcohol Delay My Period


Settembre Ottobre 2010-10 VISITA STUDIO IN POLONIA regione Warma Masuria

Nei giorni scorsi una delegazione dell’Istituto Hotel Assisi, composed of the Headmaster Dean Bianca Maria Tagliaferri, Prof. Piobbico and Professors Fabio Cantoni and Noris Ciani, has done a study trip to Poland, the region of Mazury Warm. Since February of 2009 because the school has been identified, with the Institute of Hospitality Spoleto as partner institution to be taken as a model for reform of the warm hospitality schools Mazury. The initiative is part of the European projects for innovation in education and training. Host schools already hosted in turn by the Umbrian schools last spring, have given a warm welcome to the delegations of Assisi and Spoleto, with a friendly spirit and with pride to show the significant improvement of the structural and educational interventions in place quickly.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Theater Black Bodysuit

National Competition Food and Drink "Citta 'di Assisi" 2010 National Competition Winners

In recent days, was held at the Hotel Institute of Assisi, the V edition of the National Food and Wine Competition "Città di Assisi" which has been since last year awarded the prestigious Presidential Medal of Republic.
The competition, sponsored by the city of Assisi, from the province of Perugia, the Region of Umbria has been achieved thanks to the attention and sensitivity in particular the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the collaboration of the company Nutrifree, hotels in Assisi, Foligno, Perugia Confcommercio, the Company Cancelloni, Umbria Cooks Regional Union that sponsored the initiative.
event was attended by twenty hotel schools from all over Italy. Great public success and critical acclaim, as well as the appreciation of the highly qualified jury composed of the President Piero Angelini, nationally acclaimed food and wine, chef Alviero president of the Regional Cooks Bigi Umbria, vice president of the Italian Marco Serve Sommelliers, Alberto Schieppati director of the prestigious magazine "Food and Beverage" Michela Ianni and regional president of the Association Celiac Disease.
Competition theme this year was in fact preparing a tasty dish gluten-free item that causes intolerance to gluten.
The panel expressed its satisfaction with the high level of food and wine of the various schools.
E 'winner this year, as well as in the previous edition, the Hotel Institute Piobbico (PS).
Hospitality Institute of Spoleto, one of Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Gela (CL), Gattinara (VC), Terni and Gioberti in Rome went to order the various special awards.
At the event, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Pani and supervised by the Headmaster Dean Bianca Maria Tagliaferri, was attended by the Director of the Regional School Nicola Rossi el'assesssore Education of the City of Assisi Maria Aristei Belardoni.

Discount Fishing Gear Sunshine Coast

Food and Wine "Citta' di Assisi" 2010

I ° absolute FIC Urcu with a trophy and medal of the President of the Republic over the
Dean IPSSAR Assisi Bianca Maria Tagliaferri and Pres Reg.le FIC Bigi Alviero
Hotel Institute PIOBBICO
prize of € 300.00 each and a certificate of merit

student lounge bar NEAR MARIANA student kitchen BRIAN CARUSO

FEDERALBERGHI CONFCOMMERCIO Trophy for the best research, reporting and energy on the dish and its ingredients, the delivery
CEO Nicola Rossi
and certificate of merit
student lounge bar Barichello ENRICO student kitchen Pozzobon MARCO

AIS Trophy for the best combination of wine and wine sensory analysis
delivery AIS Vice President Marco Serve
Umbria Hotel Institute SPOLETO
and certificate of merit
student lounge bar PASSERI FEDERICA student cucina DILI FRANCESCO

Targa Comune di Assisi per il piatto più originale
consegna Assessore alla Cultura del comune di Assisi Aristei Belardoni Maria
Istituto Alberghiero di GELA
e attestato di merito
allievo di sala bar VELLA ALESSANDRO allievo di cucina CASTORINO FEDERICA

Targa AIC per la migliore preparazione culinaria
consegna Pres. Reg.le Ass. Italiana Celiachia Dr.ssa Michela Ianni
Istituto alberghiero di GATTINARA
e attestato di merito
allievo di sala bar GIACOBONI GIULIA allievo di cucina CONTI VERONICA

Targa Cancelloni Food Service for the best service in the dish and wine company Cancelloni
delivery area manager Ms Elizabeth Carloni
Hospitality Institute of TERNI
and certificate of merit
student lounge bar BOUROS ELIZABETH student Cooking FREDDUZZI STELLA

Special prize products for celiac disease for the best oral presentation
delivery Councillor Federalberghi Perugia prov Mr. Pazzani Venanzio
Hospitality Institute of ROME GIOBERTI
and certificate of merit
student lounge bar Cefalo MICAELA student kitchen VELIZAROV VENTISLAV