In recent days, was held at the Hotel Institute of Assisi, the V edition of the National Food and Wine Competition "Città di Assisi" which has been since last year awarded the prestigious Presidential Medal of Republic.
The competition, sponsored by the city of Assisi, from the province of Perugia, the Region of Umbria has been achieved thanks to the attention and sensitivity in particular the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the collaboration of the company Nutrifree, hotels in Assisi, Foligno, Perugia Confcommercio, the Company Cancelloni, Umbria Cooks Regional Union that sponsored the initiative.
event was attended by twenty hotel schools from all over Italy. Great public success and critical acclaim, as well as the appreciation of the highly qualified jury composed of the President Piero Angelini, nationally acclaimed food and wine, chef Alviero president of the Regional Cooks Bigi Umbria, vice president of the Italian Marco Serve Sommelliers, Alberto Schieppati director of the prestigious magazine "Food and Beverage" Michela Ianni and regional president of the Association Celiac Disease.
Competition theme this year was in fact preparing a tasty dish gluten-free item that causes intolerance to gluten.
The panel expressed its satisfaction with the high level of food and wine of the various schools.
E 'winner this year, as well as in the previous edition, the Hotel Institute Piobbico (PS).
Hospitality Institute of Spoleto, one of Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Gela (CL), Gattinara (VC), Terni and Gioberti in Rome went to order the various special awards.
At the event, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Pani and supervised by the Headmaster Dean Bianca Maria Tagliaferri, was attended by the Director of the Regional School Nicola Rossi el'assesssore Education of the City of Assisi Maria Aristei Belardoni.
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