Dopo quattro anni di liceo scientifico ho deciso che non faceva per me e mi sono iscritto al liceo artistico dove ho ricevuto le mie basi di disegno, pittura e scultura. Dopodiché mi sono iscritto all’accademia di belle arti di Firenze dove ho superato un primo periodo di incertezze, difficoltà e incomprensioni per poi tentare, sotto consiglio del mio professore di pittura,di dare vita ad un progetto che potesse fondere il mio interesse per gli elementi naturali con la fotografia . Questo lavoro è nato come un collage di materiali naturali (semi,rami, foglie, sabbia ecc.) per poi evolversi in modellini tridimensionali di paesaggi in miniatura, che prendevano spunto dai monumenti e dalle sculture paleolitiche, che in seguito venivano fotografati su sfondo neutro così da apparire come reali. Le sculture e i monumenti assumevano invece dimensioni gigantesche, proprio come i monumenti monolitici a cui erano ispirate, creando un contrasto con l’originale di solito di dimensioni molto esigue. Sinceramente alla fine di questo percorso non mi sono sentito particolarmente realizzato perché per seguirlo avevo dovuto abbandonare quasi del tutto il mio interesse per la grafica e il disegno; comunque la frequentazione dell’accademia di Firenze e lo sviluppo progettuale che ha accompagnato questo lavoro sono state tappe fondamentali per l’organizzazione of my work and my personal development. Parallel to the above mentioned project I have tried every way to continue to refine my technique and my knowledge of the illustration. The illustration has always been my main interest and the first two years of specialization in the course of Macerata COBASLID Academy I was able to devote myself to it with more dedication. In these two years I have rediscovered my love for graphics, drawing, although I have not had great external reference points. I worked mostly for personal satisfaction and for retraining the hand. For the most part the work of these two years is made up of sketches and loose papers, almost nothing has a line of continuity well also indicate whether you can outline the common arguments almost always related to satire, the caricature and the comic. Obviously at the end of the two years since it was almost continuous operation, the style was "perfected" and become fresher and more personal. If at first the line was very uncertain and suffered many years of failed attempts of copies and, little by little I managed to unlock and find a personal way to express that he could go to the extremely concise more elaborate. With the start of the second two-year specialization in Sculpture and the arrival of Professor. Franko B, I received new impetus that led me to improve even more Technical and finally find even more personal topics and ideas and be able to translate my style now. I managed to create my own character, build a more complex history, to make my ideas in creating three-dimensional characters in clay sculpture inspired by my designs. I could compare well with the animation producing two short hand-drawn, a much complex, but that gave me great satisfaction. Another important change was the opportunity to discover the potential of the tablet, which applied to my work creates endless solutions for every type of project, although obviously lacking natural material typical of that part of the design itself. I'm also trying to bring forward a draft illustration inspired by novels or short stories, so you can take advantage of my drawings in the field of publishing.
After years of study and trial and error, I think I now understand the idea with which I started many years ago, namely that of becoming an illustrator / cartoonist / graphic is still the right one. I tried to take different paths, but in the end I have always reported on this road. Do not think I can, at least for now, to abandon his passion for the insane humor, cartoon fantasy illustration, it is like to have my roots in them, and over the years have shaped what I am now. My aim now is to try to continue along this road with great effort I managed to create, as it arises in a context that can be described as classic, I hope to be able to make personal and somewhat original.
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