With the support of Arnoldo Mondadori publishing house, with the cooperation and Trentin Zantedeschi literary agency and under the patronage of the libraries of Rome, was banished to the literary prize for best short story unusual yellow and settings strictly Italian. The winning story will be published in the series The Yellow Mondadori.
features of the competition:
1.Il competition is open to all regardless of age.
2.The work must be unpublished (not can not participate in other competitions, but the works should never have been published either on-line), in language italiana e avere una lunghezza massima di 20 cartelle dattiloscritte (cartella tipo: 30 righe, 60 battute per un massimo di 1800 battute).
3.Si può partecipare con un solo elaborato.
4. I racconti dovranno pervenire in 7 copie fascicolate e con le pagine numerate recanti nell'intestazione di ogni foglio numero di pagina e titolo dell'opera (i concorrenti dovranno indicare chiaramente le proprie generalità con domicilio, recapito telefonico ed indirizzo e-mail in busta chiusa e sigillata recante all'esterno il titolo del racconto).
I racconti dovranno essere spediti a:
Premio Letterario "Roberto Santini"
c/o Guida Giallo Noir Sabina Marchesi
Via di Casal Selce 441/a
00166 Roma
entro and no later than 31/12/2011
5.Non it will confirm the receipt of the documents and they will not be returned, the organization reserves the right to use them in various events, exhibitions and / or other contests related to the prize.
6.Il permanent organizing committee will be chaired by Sabina Marchesi (Guide Yellow Noir Super) and Henry Lucero (Premio Alberto Tedeschi 2008) and five other members in rotation from among journalists, writers, critics and experts of the genre will be shown that to form the jury.
7.Giuria edition 2011 (in alphabetical order): Graziano Braschi, Cambiaso Daniel, Leonardo Gori, Enrico Luceri, Sabina Marchesi, Richard Paris and Massimo Sozzi, Enrico Solito.
8. The opinion of the judges is final and no information will be released on or delivered to the concerned summaries of trial or other type of critical assessments.
9.Soltanto a final vote will be published online the ranking on the top ten.
10. Please note that any works do not meet the standards of the "yellow" will not be taken into account and therefore will be considered automatically excluded from the competition.
For more information contact the Secretary of the Prize (Sabina Marchesi 347.3884463 - - )
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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"The detective novels of Robert Santini are so intense and special in their own way so exciting, that it is probably unique ..."
Leonardo Gori
Tuscany occupied by German troops in March 1944 . The Deputy Commissioner Fernando Magnani is transferred provisionally from Verona to Florence. It seems a trivial rotation of the seat, but the reality is much more complicated. The lawyer
Berta, an old acquaintance of Magnani, wants to investigate the violent death of a young girl, Dora Canini. The murder is connected to another act of violence that occurred a few month earlier in the outskirts of Florence: the assassination of Mercedes, the sister of Dora.
The two crimes, among others, seem related to the mysterious disappearance of an officer of the Waffen SS, Gert Brunner. To entice
Magnani to investigate, Berta's promises of money and promotions. In fact, rather than an invitation, it is a real order, accompanied by more to pressure and blackmail of any kind. Brunner is seeking the rest of the Italian fascists that his own comrades, who, however, admit to reveal little sull'SS, whose role has been covered so far by the military secret. Meanwhile
is found the corpse of a stranger - for brutalità, il delitto ricorda quello di Mercedes Canini – e si succedono altri efferati colpi di scena, a partire dal suicidio di un reo confesso che si era autodenunciato per l’omicidio di Dora.
Nonostante tutto, Magnani non è tipo da arrendersi. Ligio al dovere, porta avanti la sua inchiesta.
In una Firenze sotto assedio, fra allarmi aerei, borsa nera, partigiani comunisti e miliziani fascisti, lui tira dritto e schiva pericoli d’ogni sorta, fino ad arrivare al cuore dell’enigma e al suo sconvolgente scioglimento…
"The detective novels of Robert Santini are so intense and special in their own way so exciting, that it is probably unique ..."
Leonardo Gori
Tuscany occupied by German troops in March 1944 . The Deputy Commissioner Fernando Magnani is transferred provisionally from Verona to Florence. It seems a trivial rotation of the seat, but the reality is much more complicated. The lawyer
Berta, an old acquaintance of Magnani, wants to investigate the violent death of a young girl, Dora Canini. The murder is connected to another act of violence that occurred a few month earlier in the outskirts of Florence: the assassination of Mercedes, the sister of Dora.
The two crimes, among others, seem related to the mysterious disappearance of an officer of the Waffen SS, Gert Brunner. To entice
Magnani to investigate, Berta's promises of money and promotions. In fact, rather than an invitation, it is a real order, accompanied by more to pressure and blackmail of any kind. Brunner is seeking the rest of the Italian fascists that his own comrades, who, however, admit to reveal little sull'SS, whose role has been covered so far by the military secret. Meanwhile
is found the corpse of a stranger - for brutalità, il delitto ricorda quello di Mercedes Canini – e si succedono altri efferati colpi di scena, a partire dal suicidio di un reo confesso che si era autodenunciato per l’omicidio di Dora.
Nonostante tutto, Magnani non è tipo da arrendersi. Ligio al dovere, porta avanti la sua inchiesta.
In una Firenze sotto assedio, fra allarmi aerei, borsa nera, partigiani comunisti e miliziani fascisti, lui tira dritto e schiva pericoli d’ogni sorta, fino ad arrivare al cuore dell’enigma e al suo sconvolgente scioglimento…
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Verona, gennaio 1944, durante il processo a Galeazzo Ciano. Il vicecommissario Fernando Magnani, che ha avuto diversi problemi disciplinari per via delle sue relazioni adulterine, si trova a dover indagare su due omicidi in apparenza insensati.
C'è il sospetto inconfessabile che quelle morti siano collegate al processo; le autorità nazifasciste non nascondono un forte timore per gli esiti dell'indagine, senza peraltro spiegarne il motivo.
Per di più, una delle vittime non solo era una donna bellissima, non solo lavorava per lo spionaggio tedesco, ma era anche l'ultima amante di Magnani.
Ben presto il vicecommissario si trova nel mezzo di forze contrapposte che cercano di condizionare seriously its investigation: there are Republicans who claim SS and the death sentence of Cyan, and there is a clandestine group of fascists "dissidents" who, conversely, is trying in every way (legal that is illegal) to get his liberation.
increasingly involved, Magnani will be forced to expose himself to many dangers but to continue and conclude its investigation, having in hand only a small, cryptic clue: three butterflies silver ...
Ro Funny Guild Emblem
Roberto Santini (1949 / 2010), Florence, by profession a psychologist and teacher, critic and scholar of literature, gender, debuted in the field of fiction with the novel yellow The rule of evil , followed by numerous short stories for the Yellow Mondadori Crimes and paper. His talent has secured victory in countless competitions dedicated to the mystery, including: the P remio Grangiallo of Catholic , the Yellow Footprints Prize and the Prize Giallocarta . In 2009 the novel
Silver Three Butterflies (Hobby & Work Pusblishing) has made very good public and critical acclaim and was among the candidates for the Prize Azzeccagarbugli (Avoledo Tullio, president of the jury, had inserted into his personal quintet, "the intensity and the film look '). His latest novel, The Gate of blood , will be released in February 2011.
Roberto Santini (1949 / 2010), Florence, by profession a psychologist and teacher, critic and scholar of literature, gender, debuted in the field of fiction with the novel yellow The rule of evil , followed by numerous short stories for the Yellow Mondadori Crimes and paper. His talent has secured victory in countless competitions dedicated to the mystery, including: the P remio Grangiallo of Catholic , the Yellow Footprints Prize and the Prize Giallocarta . In 2009 the novel
Silver Three Butterflies (Hobby & Work Pusblishing) has made very good public and critical acclaim and was among the candidates for the Prize Azzeccagarbugli (Avoledo Tullio, president of the jury, had inserted into his personal quintet, "the intensity and the film look '). His latest novel, The Gate of blood , will be released in February 2011.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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"Intense. Visionary. Lirico. Introspective. Think about it, usually these terms are almost never used when talking about a writer of detective stories, and yet, in the case of Robert Santini, are by far the adjectives that best define his art, his intellectual depth, his narrative skill, his incredible ability to be simultaneously inside and outside (or beyond) like that.
I had the privilege of bringing about the publication of the last two novels of Robert, Three silver butterflies and Port of blood, both linked by the recurrence of the same main character, the deputy Fernando Magnani. Well, it is difficult to categorize these works simply as noir, or as a specific "forms" that meet the narrative so slavish a series of platitudes. " In the art of Robert's much, much more. Even starting the intent (implicit in the genre) to entertain and amuse the reader with stories of high-voltage plots and bomb-proof, the inspiration of Santini is dedicated to the definition of psychology, climates and atmospheres with a subtlety of analysis and an expressive power that they have very few facts nel panorama italiano della narrativa di genere. È questo che rende grande la sua opera: accettare umilmente tutti i presupposti tematici del poliziesco allo scopo precipuo di utilizzarli come strumenti di una grande orchestra, laddove ciò che conta non è il singolo suono del singolo strumento, bensì l’esito complessivo della sinfonia, che scavalca e trascende ogni singolo apporto. Tempo fa, in una mail, Roberto mi diceva di avere due grandi numi ispiratori, Leonardo Gori e Ben Pastor. Questo è indubbiamente vero; del resto ciascun scrittore deve sempre qualcosa a qualcuno, consapevolmente o inconsapevolmente. Eppure Roberto era in possesso di una sua voce, che ormai apparteneva a lui e solo a lui. Una voce forte, potente, non di rado sovvertitrice, sempre felicissima, e che, per tutti questi motivi, già ci manca moltissimo.»
I had the privilege of bringing about the publication of the last two novels of Robert, Three silver butterflies and Port of blood, both linked by the recurrence of the same main character, the deputy Fernando Magnani. Well, it is difficult to categorize these works simply as noir, or as a specific "forms" that meet the narrative so slavish a series of platitudes. " In the art of Robert's much, much more. Even starting the intent (implicit in the genre) to entertain and amuse the reader with stories of high-voltage plots and bomb-proof, the inspiration of Santini is dedicated to the definition of psychology, climates and atmospheres with a subtlety of analysis and an expressive power that they have very few facts nel panorama italiano della narrativa di genere. È questo che rende grande la sua opera: accettare umilmente tutti i presupposti tematici del poliziesco allo scopo precipuo di utilizzarli come strumenti di una grande orchestra, laddove ciò che conta non è il singolo suono del singolo strumento, bensì l’esito complessivo della sinfonia, che scavalca e trascende ogni singolo apporto. Tempo fa, in una mail, Roberto mi diceva di avere due grandi numi ispiratori, Leonardo Gori e Ben Pastor. Questo è indubbiamente vero; del resto ciascun scrittore deve sempre qualcosa a qualcuno, consapevolmente o inconsapevolmente. Eppure Roberto era in possesso di una sua voce, che ormai apparteneva a lui e solo a lui. Una voce forte, potente, non di rado sovvertitrice, sempre felicissima, e che, per tutti questi motivi, già ci manca moltissimo.»
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