Sunday, January 16, 2011

Travel Size Battery Operated Blenders


"The detective novels of Robert Santini are so intense and special in their own way so exciting, that it is probably unique ..."
Leonardo Gori

Tuscany occupied by German troops in March 1944 . The Deputy Commissioner Fernando Magnani is transferred provisionally from Verona to Florence. It seems a trivial rotation of the seat, but the reality is much more complicated. The lawyer
Berta, an old acquaintance of Magnani, wants to investigate the violent death of a young girl, Dora Canini. The murder is connected to another act of violence that occurred a few month earlier in the outskirts of Florence: the assassination of Mercedes, the sister of Dora.
The two crimes, among others, seem related to the mysterious disappearance of an officer of the Waffen SS, Gert Brunner. To entice
Magnani to investigate, Berta's promises of money and promotions. In fact, rather than an invitation, it is a real order, accompanied by more to pressure and blackmail of any kind. Brunner is seeking the rest of the Italian fascists that his own comrades, who, however, admit to reveal little sull'SS, whose role has been covered so far by the military secret. Meanwhile
is found the corpse of a stranger - for brutalità, il delitto ricorda quello di Mercedes Canini – e si succedono altri efferati colpi di scena, a partire dal suicidio di un reo confesso che si era autodenunciato per l’omicidio di Dora.
Nonostante tutto, Magnani non è tipo da arrendersi. Ligio al dovere, porta avanti la sua inchiesta.
In una Firenze sotto assedio, fra allarmi aerei, borsa nera, partigiani comunisti e miliziani fascisti, lui tira dritto e schiva pericoli d’ogni sorta, fino ad arrivare al cuore dell’enigma e al suo sconvolgente scioglimento…


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