Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ro Funny Guild Emblem


Roberto Santini (1949 / 2010), Florence, by profession a psychologist and teacher, critic and scholar of literature, gender, debuted in the field of fiction with the novel yellow The rule of evil , followed by numerous short stories for the Yellow Mondadori Crimes and paper. His talent has secured victory in countless competitions dedicated to the mystery, including: the P remio Grangiallo of Catholic , the Yellow Footprints Prize and the Prize Giallocarta . In 2009 the novel

Silver Three Butterflies (Hobby & Work Pusblishing) has made very good public and critical acclaim and was among the candidates for the Prize Azzeccagarbugli (Avoledo Tullio, president of the jury, had inserted into his personal quintet, "the intensity and the film look '). His latest novel, The Gate of blood , will be released in February 2011.


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