In the 17th and 18th October last the pupils of Clare Ciotti Monoennio A Room Bar and Kitchen Monoemmio A, accompanied by their teachers Prof Paolo Pani and Prof. Susan Quattrocchi took part in the National Competition regional tastes in artistic decoration "which was held at the Centro Studi" G. Sanchini "in Chianciano Terme. Present the most important producers of food, wines, spirits and coffee in Italy with the owners in tow. The students tried their hands in the preparation of three types of finger food (salted mignon) and a cocktail made of fruit. The student Ciotti Clare has enjoyed the success and the interest of Mr. Molinari, owner of the homonymous famous manufacturer of sambuca which proceeded to reward them personally for the cocktail Volumni "a long drink made with ripe persimmons, pears blended with ice Abbot batteries Sambuca Molinari, filled in tall frosted tumbler with sparkling brut and garnish with mint leaves, while the student kitchen Elena was awarded by the President of Tuscans young hoteliers, Mauro Giuliacci. For the occasion, Giovanni Rana wanted to make the acquaintance of Prof. Paolo Pani to congratulate the excellent work done by the Institute Hotelier of Assisi. On the morning of 18 October, the Jolly Coffee of Florence also honored the best students who have distinguished themselves in the preparation of an espresso and cappuccino. The day ended with a race to prepare and cook pizzas among journalists attending the event, among which was also attended by Prof. Pani.
Students Melissa Sabino Antonio Degli Esposti and Vincenzo Miracapillo IV B have achieved a new success for our school.
In particular Melissa Degli Esposti and Antonio Sabino has been ranked at 1st place of the Regional Competition Competition Cuisine and DOP ART 3 ^ edition of the "Quality in the Tradition" held in Todi on 06/01/2007. Vincenzo Miracapillo Gaxa and Ervin won the third place. The initiative promoted by the city of Todi, Umbria and the Coldiretti by the Regional Cooks of Umbria has seen so full the statement of our school with our students, expertly prepared by Professor Frank Ravalli which, however, was the ' the pupil teacher and pupils awarded.
1° Premio al Concorso Interregionale "Tabula Praenestina"
Sono stati assegnati i seguenti premi:
I° Classificato assoluto: IPSSAR di Loreto con gli allievi Ortenzi
Arianna e Zagaia Francesca ;
Premio per il miglior servizio di sala: IPSSAR di Tor Carbone con gli
allievi Callarello Marco e Buongusto Jessica ;
Premio per il miglior accostamento cibo vino: IPSSAR di Grosseto con gli
allievi Volpi Cristina e De Dominicis Cacilia ;
Premio per il miglior piatto IPSSAR di Spoleto con gli allievi Natalizi
Claudio e Balzamo Jacopo ;
Premio for the most original dish: all'IPSSAR Piobbico-Cagli
with students Cordasco Vito and Vincent Mountain ;
Award mile search, report, calculate calories,
to ' IPSSAR of Assisi with students Aquilanti Francesco and Luca
Meoni .
IPSSAR Via S. Maria in Val di Abyss No 19 61046 Piobbico
tel and fax 0722 985155 e-mail alberghiero.piobbico @ libero.it
Professor: Roberto dozing
Students: Cordasco Vito (Cuc) Mountain Vincenzo (Sala)
Plate: The "Rosciolo" Milestones of taste and the Marches. (Fillet of red mullet on crisp bread with pie Chiaserna
of field greens with cream polenta and black truffle Acqualagna)
Wine. Cantine Mariotti "floor of the flowers."
Lecturer: Giancarlo Tomassi and Capolungo Caesar
Students: Mohamed Sayed Kataia (Cuc) Pacho Ross (Hall)
Plate: trio of quiche
Wine: White Frascati doc
IPSSAR A. Casagrande Piazzale Bosco No. 3 05100 Terni Tel 0744 404 721 Fax 404 235 0744 e-mail casella@istitutocasagrande.it
Cuc Teacher: John Altore and Gabriele Chieruzi
Teacher bar: Angelo Boccia
Students: Mirko Liordi (CUC) Daniela Bizaglia (sala)
Piatto: Sformatine tradizionale pasquale con passatina di pomodoro pachino e piccolo cappuccino di asparagi e
crema di latte
Vino: Riesling la Palazzola
IPSSAR A. Nebbia Via Abruzzo 60025 LORETO (AN) Tel. 071 7507611 Fax 071 7507660 e-mail info@einstein-nebbia.it
Docente: Santini Giacomo
Dirigente: Torquati Gabriele
Allievi: Ortensi Arianna e Zagaia Francesca
Piatto: p olpette fondenti di melanzane con flan di parmigiano reggiano composta di pomodori confit al basilico e loro aria
Vino: Offida d.o.c.: Offida Passerina spumante
e-mail info@cavallotti.it
Docenti: Bianchini Daniele (Cuc) Cii Jessica (Sala)
Allievi: Conte Francesco Saverio (Cuc) Peli Elena (sala)
Piatto: Millefoglie di persico
Vino: Colli del Trasimeno Bianco “Antio” d.o.c.
Docenti: Giovanni Runca, Sonia Capperucci e Cristina Volpi
Allievi: Assunta Relli (Sala) De Dominicis Cecilia (Cuc)
Piatto: Budino di cavolo nero con polpo grigliato e crema d’aglio
Vino: Bianco AZ. Narà d.o.c.
IPSSAR Via eremo delle carceri ASSISI Tel. 075 813054 Fax 075 813732 e-mail info@alberghieroassisi.it
Docenti: Morena Susta
Allievi: Meoni Luca (Cucina) Aquilanti Francesco (Sala)
Piatto: Composta di astice e piccoli totani mediterranei al basilico e olive
Vino: Anna Maria Clemente Franciacorta
e-mail ipssartbuonarroti@libero.it or sonia.cami @ yahoo.it
Teachers: Micheli and Luca Santucci Federica
Students: Gennaioli Richard (Cuc) Valentina De Masi (Sala)
Plate: pie polenta with salt cod and milk raveggiolo
Wine: Donnaz doc Val d'Aosta
IPSSART Via del Seminario No. 4 06049 Spoleto Tel 222 788 0743 Fax 221 595 0743 e-mail ipssart@alberghierospoleto.it
Teachers: Baldelli In
Students: Claudio Natalini (Cuc) James Balzano (Sala)
Plate: millefeuille sword with Mediterranean flavors
Wine: Blanc de Salento
IPSSAR Baccio Course n ° 25 63019 SANT ' Elpidio a Mare Tel 0734 859128 Fax 0734 850027
e-mail http://segreteriaisitps @ yahoo.it
Teachers: Stephanie Isidori
Students: Marco Cinquantini (Sala) Eusebi Gabriele (Cuc)
Plate: mackerel in pork pie with broccoli, tomatoes and stop caciotta of thyme
Wine: Falerio packages Ascoli doc "Telus" Az. Rio May
IPSSAR Via di Tor Carbone n ° 53 00178 Roma Tel 06 7188456 Fax 06 7188719 e-mail ipssartc@tin.it
Teachers: Marco Protopapa
Students: Marco Callarello (Cuc) Jessica Buongusto (Sala)
Plate: Cream of chickpeas "inside" the dumpling
Wine: "Antinous" 2004 IGT Casale del Giglio (Latium)