Thursday, February 22, 2007

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With key sponsorship of Bicester, and in collaboration with the Committee Reginale FIJLKAM Csen and Pr in the person of Master and Magliano Att. Anthony DiMichele Provincial President, were held at the Sports Hall of Bicester via Togliatti, the provincial youth games karate. The fine structure
Fidenza well managed by Bicester Sports, was the setting for this important event which drew in our city about two hundred children from four to 13 years from Parma.
At Shu Ren Kan Maestro Mario Laurini the burden for organizing the event, made possible thanks precisely to the availability councilor David Vanicelli sport.
employees and technicians of the sport and the Fidenza Shinanban Busseto, have shown high efficiency, thus promoting the unfolding of the event without a hitch because of the number of those present and specialties that articulate the race.
guests of honor the nursery school children of Don Faraboli Borghetto Noceto, accompanied by the teacher Isabella Cattle which have ventured into the proof of "mixed path" specialty that aims to develop skills coordinative e cognitive del bambino.
La “gara “non era competitiva, ma un test di valutazione del lavoro svolto con i ragazzi, per cui tutti sono stati premiati con una medaglia.
Un grazie particolare alle società che hanno partecipato:
oltre la Shu Ren Kan , la Shinanban di Busseto, il C.S.K. di Parma, il Karate Valceno, il Karate club Alseno e il club Tiji kase di Borgotaro.La Shu Ren Kan ha in programma altri appuntamenti non solo competitivi come lo Stage tecnico interregionale di Kumite (combattimento libero ) e Kata di fine Gennaio prossimo dove è prevista la presenza dei migliori atleti di Emilia Romagna, Lombardia e Veneto.

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This year
Maestro Magliano has managed to bring the Kickboxing and Thai Boxing school, this time with the Higher Institute of CANOSSA Fidenza (Parma) with the class 5 th Street Pedagogical Education Sports, and the hearts of those that will be the future teachers of physical education in schools and in fact private schools.

The opportunity came thanks to the interest of the teacher of Physical Education Institute Professor Monica Crovini with determination and conviction that education was strongly desired and supported this project, including a combat sport in the curriculum and evolution of the pupils.

The interest is was very high, 24 girls were able to mature by now so try the two disciplines both approached by Maestro meshes is Instructor in both specialties.

The course was held at the gym asd Kickboxing Club Start & Go precisely where the school of Maestro Magliano is headquartered in normal lessons.

Interest so important that a good part of the students will, together with their teacher, to begin to investigate the specialties in the evening classes of the gymnasium asd KBClub.

Like every year, the sports club Fidenza, in collaboration with Csen Pr-Re, was able to arrive at school with their own programs didactic exposition which is now highly developed in the approach of "minds" as free as those of adolescents today, to attract the attention on a dsciplina that is often considered the evolution of martial arts and modernization of the greatest combat sports.

More information on this and other events on the company website

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Stage of kickboxing in Bibbiano

The energetic collaborator M ° Gianfranco Ziveri held his Bible in the Light Contact with an internship samples IAKSA Gherardi and Campbell on 21 January 2007.

Unfortunately the low turnout of athletes due to accavvalementi of races and contingent commitments that still showed a wide interest among participants. Congratulations to Maestro
Ziveri that once again demonstrates its interest in promulgating the fighting sports by organizing events aimed at improving the technical.

For more information on the courses of Master Ziveri SCHOOL OF MARTIAL ARTS Ziver tel. 333-9019070

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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E 'started a series of meetings held by Maestro Marco Magliano of Krav Maga Self Defense reserved Brown & Black belts and sports instructors combat.
Meetings be held at the Olympic Center in Parma Podium gym and saw a first modest contribution that we hope to involve more people for this event monthly.
purpose is to teach defensive concepts can also include in their courses taught as a compendium of activities to enhance the expertise of all practitioners.
info at 339-4446931 Podium Olympic Center in Parma, affiliated CSEN Pr