Monday, February 28, 2011

Online Multiplayer Scattergories


Hi, my name is Augustine
Kluoda, I am from Lithuania, studying sculpture Vilnius Academy of Arts, Kaunas Art Faculty. Italy went on the tenth day of February, and will be here until July.
probably still in high school, I realized that never escape from the attraction to classical sculpture. Maybe it's a problem, maybe not, but I first read the statue's eyes. I know how art critics despise the allegedly Western perceptions of the work, but I often feel too tired and my eyes are required by beauty. I still can not atsigėrėti Italian Baroque sculpture of mastery, but most Giuliano Finelli. Erasmus chose Italy because I have a very long list skulptūrų, kurias norėčiau čia pamatyti gyvai.
Juo daugiau studijuoju šiuolaikinį meną, tuo didesnė apima depresija, bet kartais imu tikėti, kad galbūt kada nors pavyks apjungti tradicinę manierą su konceptualiu šiuolaikiškumu, bet kolkas aš buvau susikoncentravęs ties technikos tobulinimu ir savo darbų tikrai negalėčiau pavadinti meno kūriniais, veikiau tik pratimais lavinti vizualinę klausą. Jeigu atvirai, tai tikrai nekenčiu beveik visų savo darbų, nekenčiu jų neišbaigtumo, o neretai ir sunaikinti užsimanau visus juos ir viską pradėti iš naujo... Na, bet kaip bebūtų vistiek jums pateikiu keleti savo galbūt nelabai sėkmingų studijų pavyzdžių ...
google translate .. Translation from Italian to Lithuanian

Welcome Welcome, Augustine
Kluoda my name, I am from Lithuania, studying sculpture at the Art Academy in Vilnius, Kaunas Faculty of Arts. Italy went on the tenth day of February, and will be here until July.
probably still in school, I realized that never escape the allure of classical sculpture. Maybe it's a problem, maybe not, but I read the eyes of the statue. I know how art critics despise presumably Western perceptions of the work, but I often feel too tired and my eyes are required by beauty. I still can not atsigėrėti mastery of Italian Baroque sculpture, but most of Giuliano Finelli. Erasmus chose Italy because I have a long list of sculptures, I'd like to see live here.
The most studied contemporary art, the greater the depression include, but are sometimes fashions to believe that perhaps one day be able to combine the traditional way with a sophisticated conceptual Been posted but I was focused on the technical development of their work and I can not call art, but only exercises to develop visual hearing. To be honest, you really hate almost all of their work, they hate the rough and often destroy all its convenience and a new beginning ... Well, as you can still bring some 'of their study could not have examples of success ...


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